Pathways out of homelessness.

New Hope SA resident works on a product.

About us

Established in 2018, New Hope SA exists to find holistic solutions to homelessness. In 2020 New Hope began operating a transitional home that serves as a vital part of the pathway from homelessness to independent living.


Two young residents of New Hope SA


At New Hope SA, we see a world where homelessness does not exist, where every person’s unique story and aspirations are celebrated, and where every individual is empowered to make their own choices.

We believe that every person should be supported on their transformative journey towards a thriving, community-oriented life beyond the streets. We are dedicated to creating a society that upholds the dignity, worth, and potential of each person, leaving no one without a place to call home.

Two young residents of New Hope SA going surfing.
Former homeless individuals who are now residents of our the New Hope house.
Residents of our New Hope SA house.


New Hope SA creates pathways out of homelessness. It does so primarily through the use of transitional homes which can accommodate up to 10 previously homeless individuals for a period of 6 – 36 months.

Our approach is unique because we address homelessness holistically. We offer more than a place to live — we provide a community of support and expert care, where we work together with residents to identify and address the root causes of homelessness. In addition to residential support, psychosocial support services and our work-based programme, we provide individualised care to meet each resident’s unique needs.

A successful objective for New Hope SA would be for an individual who was living on the streets to find community, financial independence, emotional, psychological and physical healing and spiritual growth in the New Hope house.

Since we established the first New Hope transitional house in 2020, former residents have gone on to reunite with family, secure stable work, and even sign a lease for an apartment in their own capacity.

Road To Independence

The road to independence for New Hope SA residents.



We work tirelessly to drive social change to end homelessness for good. We believe in equalising power and creating a community where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.


We believe in the value and potential of people. We champion justice, humanity and compassion for all. We believe in mutual transformation.


We speak the truth based on evidence and respond to questions with integrity. We listen and learn and base our decisions on our theoretical knowledge and practical experience.


We believe in the power of partnership. We work collaboratively with our residents, partners and people experiencing homelessness to achieve better results.


We believe and follow the gospel message of Jesus Christ. We celebrate the fullness of life that it offers to all, especially the marginalised, alienated & poor.

Latest news

Read our monthly newsletter and updates. Stay connected and leave a comment if you feel inspired.

Read more
Resident of New Hope SA has a good time surfing.


Meet our staff

Leanne Porter
Managing Director
Leila Bolland
Lauren Alexander
Lonwabo Simanga
Social Worker
Shiyiswa Ndlumbini
Phinius Sebatsane
Marco Alexander

The New Hope SA board

Andy Wonnacott
New Hope SA Board
Richard Bolland
New Hope SA Board
Cam Chaplin
New Hope SA Board
Carolyn Clark
New Hope SA Board

If you’d like to speak directly with the New Hope SA board please email

Order a Product

The New Hope SA residents create all the products sold through our Work Based Program, which provides them with an income while they focus on achieving their long-term goals.

Our strategy is to help each resident secure permanent work outside of the program and transition to independent living while remaining part of our community. By offering this program, we empower residents to become self-sufficient and contribute to the community and themselves.

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